Sixth Form Expectations
Sixth Form is a really important part of a young person's career and at King Edward VI we have very high expectations of everyone:
- Strong attendance and punctuality
- Commitment to get involved in your House
- Smart uniform
- Limiting hours worked part time outside Sixth Form to a reasonable level that doesn’t restrict progress in A Levels
- Setting a strong example in terms of getting involved, behaviour and attitudes to the academy as a whole
- Using time for independent study effectively
The profile of Sixth Formers is enhanced through:
- Leading Year 7 induction events
- Assisting in academy trips for lower school
- Organising termly ‘in house competitions
- Organising fundraising events for their chosen charity
- Holding a weekly lunch ‘drop in’ session or sports club for Year 7 and Year 8 students
All students are required to wear a Sixth Form uniform, which has been chosen by our students.