Special educational needs and disability (SEND)
We believe that at King Edward’s every student should have the opportunities to be successful and all staff work together to ensure that the needs of individuals are catered for socially and academically. We see the role of parents as vital and working in partnership with parents we can achieve more for our students than by working in isolation.
To see the Lincolnshire Local Offer, please click the link below:
SEND Information Report and Contacts:
SEND Information report click here
SENCO: Mrs J Ryan
Assistant SENCO: Mrs J Shudell
What we do:
We provide support for students who have additional learning needs relating to categories of SEND defined in the SEN Code of Practice document as:
- Cognition and learning difficulties
- Communication and Interaction difficulties
- Sensory and physical difficulties
- Social, emotional and mental health difficulties
Students requiring additional learning support have access to a range of intervention groups before school and during the school day. Teaching Assistants are timetabled throughout the day to support students with EHCPs and also for targeted interventions where SEND students are not secondary ready or/and need support to realise their potential/remove barriers to learning.
Interventions include:
- Reading comprehension
- Spelling workshops
- Memory development
- Accelerated Reader
- RWI/Fresh start
- Numeracy and Literacy interventions
- Handwriting and pre teach vocabulary focus
- Speech and Language
- ELSA Emotional Literacy Support
- Art and DT therapy
We work closely with a range of external agencies who provide specialist support and advice for individual students depending on their needs. These agencies include:
- Educational Psychologist
- Paediatrician
- G.P.s
- Occupational Therapist
- CAMHS (Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service)
- Physiotherapist
- Auditory and visual support services
- Local Authority SEN/ Inclusion Team
- CASY Counselling
- Working Together Team
Assessments and Monitoring
All students who enter the Academy are assessed for baseline reading, spelling and numeracy skills and this information is used alongside other data to identify students who may require additional support. Intervention sessions are provided to target specific development needs and the progress of each student is monitored closely.
The SEN register is reviewed on an ongoing basis to ensure that students are moved through the SEN stages of the Code of Practice in an accurate and timely manner.
Inclusive Education
We pride ourselves on being inclusive and predominately all students attend mainstream lessons with their peers, to ensure they gain the highest specialist subject knowledge from their teachers. Staff at the Academy are continually receiving CPD on how to support a variety of additional needs, therefore in line with the DfE Code of practice First Quality Teaching is at the heart of support for SEND students
King Edward VI Academy is committed to equality of opportunity and access and regards all students as having equal worth and importance, for all, regardless of:
- Disability • Race • Religion or belief • Sex • Sexual orientation • Age • Gender reassignment • Pregnancy and maternity together, this is known as the “protected characteristics”.
Inclusion, equality and access of opportunity underpin our academy. We believe that the active promotion of diversity within the overarching equality of opportunity enriches the lives and experiences of all students at the school.
Also see the Equality Objectives and Equality, Diversity and Inclusion policy/
There are a number of experienced professionals working to support students at King Edward VI Academy.
Should you wish to contact any professional about the support available to your child please telephone 01790 753260 or email
Frequently Asked Questions
We have put together a list of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) which we hope will provide you with simple to understand answers but please feel free to contact the academy if there is anything you wish to discuss.
What should I do if I think my child has special educational needs? Who do I talk to?
There is a team of staff at King Edward’s who you can talk to. The first point of contact is usually the tutor, but if your child is in Year 6 and starting here in September then you should contact Mrs J Ryan as she works closely with the local primary schools. There is also the opportunity for parents to speak to the SENDCo, Mrs J Ryan and Assistant SENDCo, Mrs J Shudell, who have responsibility for SEN provision. Parents' concerns are always taken very seriously and parents can be assured that they will be listened to. Alongside the SEN team the Heads of House and House Champions have a key role in liaising with parents and we pride ourselves on the excellent relationships we form with our parents built up through open and honest dialogue and trust.
How will the school decide if my child needs extra support?
The majority of students join us from primary school in Year 7. Mrs J Ryan visits all the local feeder schools and meets with the staff to discuss each individual student and enable us to have a picture of the needs of all the students who will be joining us. This enables us to start to think about any necessary provisions that may need to be put in place before the start of the new academic year. We have the results from a raft of formal assessments which have been completed and the academy also conducts its own assessments, in particular to assess levels of numeracy and literacy. However extra support may be provided for a wide range of reasons not solely academic. The school may decide to provide additional support as a result of concerns raised by parents, concerns raised by teaching staff or as a result of liaison with external agencies.
How will the school support my child?
That very much depends on the needs of the child. Every child is different and an individual plan will be put in place following discussions to decide how best the academy can support your son/daughter. Most decisions are made through discussions with staff at the academy but it may be appropriate to involve outside agencies e.g. educational psychologists, depending on need. Once an individual plan has been drawn up and shared with parents there will be a structured cycle of re-assessing and reviewing the plan to ensure that it is still appropriate and to make amendments as necessary. Parents are always given the opportunity to be involved and should not hesitate to contact the academy if they are concerned. Whatever the needs of your child you can be assured that the academy will do its utmost to meet them and to support your child in the best way possible.
The SEND Hub is open every break and lunch time for students who may enjoy quieter times with friends. Computers are available in the suite for students to complete homework.
How much support will my child get?
That depends on the individual child. If your son/daughter has an Education Health Care Plan the number of hours of support they are entitled to will be clearly identified. A full range of support can be available through Quality First Teaching in class with Teaching Assistant support. As well as in class support the SEND department has its own suite of rooms in the SEND Hub where students work in small groups or on a one to one basis with highly trained specialist teachers or HLTAs. Our Teaching Assistants are subject specific and have extensive knowledge and qualifications.
For other students it very much depends on need for example; some students might just need one hour of emotional/behavioural counselling per week with our trained in house counsellor. Others might need a short intensive program of intervention to boost literacy or numeracy. Every child is different so there is no “one size fits all”. The school will work around the needs of the child in making appropriate provision and tailor its support to your child.
Who will support my child in school?
Staff at King Edward’s are trained professionals who are very well qualified to support your child during their time here. We have staff with specific expertise across a wide range of areas including; dyslexia, autism, behaviour management and counselling. Continued Professional Development has a high profile and subject teachers as well as teaching assistants receive regular training relating to SEND through attendance at sessions run by our in-house specialists and / or externally delivered courses. All teachers and TAs are made fully aware of the needs of students through regular meetings and discussions at department, house and whole academy level. Each teacher will plan for all students with SEND in their class to ensure learning needs are met and good progress is made through Quality First Teaching. There may be a Teaching Assistant in your child's class supporting either individually or in a group to aid learning and promote achievement and monitor behaviour. Work is fully differentiated to allow access and inclusion for all students. Students will be issued with a report card if necessary to monitor, support and track their behaviour in lessons.
King Edward VI Academy works with outside agencies for advice and guidance, including:
- Educational Psychologist
- Working Together Team
- Sensory Education and Support Service
- Speech and Language
- Specialist Teaching
- Pilgrim Hospital School, services as required
- Social Services as required
- Outreach Inclusion Support from St Francis School
- Lincolnshire County Council Education Services Caseworker for King Edward VI Academy
- Behaviour Outreach Support Service (BOSS)
Exam access arrangements are in place from Year 7 to ensure the very best performance at exam times. Leading to GCSEs Mrs Shudell and the Exam Officer ensure the students have all they need, including extra time and the use of computer or scribes.
What support will there be for my child’s emotional and social well being?
The academy employs a range of systems to support children in our care during their time with us.
We have a clear reward policy which is followed by staff and clearly understood by students. Whilst it is sometimes inevitable for sanctions to be issued we focus on the positive achievements of our young people. We have a strong pastoral team and your child’s Tutor will usually be the first point of call for any student. One to one counselling sessions are run with students who are struggling with emotional and / or behavioural issues on a weekly basis. Where students are significantly at risk of exclusion we strive to avoid this by drawing on a range of support and crucially by engaging with parents through open and transparent dialogue. We also have a special group of students in Year 11 who act as mentors for younger students. Student Voice is taken into account through termly Student Council meetings and all tutor groups have a representative to contribute the form's views and provide feedback.
Attendance is closely monitored by the Attendance Officer, Mrs Kwee, and any patterns are investigated. We have a caring team to look after our students. If additional help is needed we may refer to Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS) or to your GP.
How does the school manage the administration of medicines?
The academy has a policy on the management of medicines on the school site.
On a day to day basis medicines are left with the main office.
We have staff who are trained first aiders.
Staff are made aware of medical conditions where appropriate and given training if necessary to deal with medical situations which might arise when teaching a particular student.
A trained first aider always accompanies trips off site.
How will my child be involved in the process and be able to contribute their views?
The views of students are always listened to and valued. Your child will have regular opportunities to discuss how well he/she feels things are working on a daily basis with the TA or the form tutor and in particular after each assessment point, with his/her Head of House. Additionally the academy has a student council and all students can put forward their views on a range of academy issues whether or not they have been elected on to the Student Council.
How will the curriculum be matched to my child's needs?
It is important to us that we provide your child with the best possible range of subjects to support their progression into further study or employment when they leave King Edward Academy and to achieve a balance between the essential and the desirable. All students have to follow a core curriculum of English, maths and science. Students now choose their options in Year 9 giving them two years to develop the skills in their chosen subjects to be successful at the end of Year 11. Parents are invited in before students choose their options to find out more about what the subject courses involve and have the opportunity to discuss the suitability of courses with teaching staff and Heads of House. We offer a range of subjects, both academic and practical, to appeal to students with a wide range of interests and abilities. Where appropriate some students spend one or two days a week at a work placement during Years 10 and 11.
My child’s SEND often means they have to have time off school. How will the academy help them to keep up to date with their learning?
There are many ways in which we help students to maintain progress in spite of absence. Usually Heads of House collate work from teachers to send home, although sometimes parents come into the academy to collect work. If we have an e-mail address, subject staff can, where appropriate, send work directly to parents. Where the absence is likely to be lengthy, the academy can tailor a support package appropriate to the needs of the student which could include; on-line qualifications, long distance learning, one to one support or liaison with a hospital school to provide learning resources.
How will I know how my child is doing?
The academy encourages parents to be fully involved in all matters of school life which affect their child. Parents are kept informed about general school life, activities and opportunities through the website and regular newsletters. In addition every student has a planner which is checked regularly by their form tutor and which parents are encouraged to check and comment in. Heads of House are always available should parents wish to discuss any concerns and to meet face to face if that is what they prefer.
The academy reports to parents on a termly basis about progress. Once a year parents receive a full report which they are invited to discuss with staff at a parents evening. However, Heads of House consult regularly with staff and if they have any concerns they will contact you to discuss them. Similarly if you have concerns you do not have to wait until parents evening to raise them, you can contact us at any time of the academic year. Parents often come into the academy to talk things through with the Head of House. The engagement of parents is central to the work of the school.
If your child has a Education Health Care Plan you will attend the formal annual review meeting. This gives you the opportunity to put forward your views and perspective and to be part of the planning process for your child.
Do students with SEND make good progress at KEVI? How does the school know how well my child is doing?
Ofsted inspectors reported that "Individual and highly personalised support ensures that disabled students and those who have special educational needs receive the help they need to achieve well." and that "Good support from teaching assistants to improve reading builds students' confidence and self-esteem, and prepares them well for learning later in the academy".
"Pupils who have special educational needs and/or disabilities are... making good progress from their starting points", "Pupils, particularly the most vulnerable pupils, receive some remarkable guidance" and "Links with outside agencies are good and if any pupil needs specialist help, this help is found promptly."
The academy measures achievement in learning against national age related expectations and expected progress from KS2 through to KS4. There are regular assessment points throughout the year and parents receive an interim report after each one as well as a detailed full report once a year. Students are tested on entry for reading and spelling and also complete English and Maths tests which help to identify strengths and weakness in learning styles as well as giving an indication of future potential. Heads of Departments have a key role in tracking progress and putting in intervention where students are not making expected progress.
Statistics are only one part of the picture and progress can be measured in many different ways. Many aspects of a students’ progress cannot be so easily measured but are equally important to the development of the whole child; growing independence, self-confidence, self-organisation, behaviour management, self-discipline, inner resolve, resilience, willingness to be involved and participate in opportunities to name but a few. The pastoral care and nurturing of the whole child to achieve their potential as a well-rounded and confident young person equipped with the skills to go out into the wider world plays a pivotal role in the day to day life of students here at King Edward’s.
How are students included in activities outside the classroom including trips
(n.b the DDA Reasonable Adjustments legislation expects schools/academies to be anticipatory in respect of school activities and trips)
All students with SEND are able to access all of the school’s activities, including extra-curricular activities. Parents are involved in planning activities and trips via a letter or MCAS communications and as always, have the opportunity to be involved at many stages to be secure that we have everything needed in place and that parents have peace of mind.
How accessible is the environment?
The academy has undergone considerable improvements over recent years and is fully wheelchair accessible, with two lifts giving access to the upper floors. The site is flat and fully negotiable. Disabled changing and toilet facilities are on the ground floor and readily accessible. A quiet area is available for students who have sensory needs and sometimes need space and quiet away from the normal hubbub of daily life in a busy school.
Parents are always welcome to visit the academy and view the facilities on offer.
My child is in Year 6, I am worried about the step up to secondary school. How will the school help with the transition?
It is normal for parents to worry about the change from primary to secondary but the majority of students settle quickly and easily. Often parents worry more than the student, many of whom are ready and excited to make the change to secondary. That said, the academy recognises that it can be a stressful time and some students struggle to cope/adapt to the challenges and demands of life in secondary school.
We have very experienced members of staff. We visits all of the local primary schools to meet with the Year 6 teachers so we will have a lot of information about your child before they start. The SENDCo, Mrs J Ryan and the Assistant SENDCo, Mrs Shudell, will also visit any SEN students and meet the primary SENDCo, often attending the annual review in Year 6. We believe that the more contact that can be made prior to commencing a new school will reduce stress and anxiety and aid a successful transition.
You will probably have been to our open evening and will have had the chance to meet with and talk with many of the staff and people involved with your child to allay your worries too. It is more than likely that your child will have spent three days here in July as part of our induction program. As a result by the time September comes around the transition is far less daunting and in fact students tend to feel that they are already part of the school.
How will the academy help my child make an informed decision about next steps at the end of Year 11?
All students have interviews with the careers advisor who can discuss and explore possible routes for further education or employment such as apprenticeships. It can be a very confusing and perplexing time, especially for students who have complex needs and/or who are unlikely to achieve grade 5 in Maths and English. As well as the support of the careers advisor students can of course talk to their Head of House, form tutor and subject teachers. Some of the ways we can and have helped students through the decision making process are; accompanying students on visits to local colleges and sixth forms, help with completing college application forms and having round the table meetings with parents to explore options.
If your child holds an Education Health Care Plan the transition process will commence at the annual review in Year 9. It is important to allow the student to offer their voice as an insight as to their interests and hopes for the future in terms of further education and training. Ideas can be discussed from this point forward. A representative from the chosen college can be invited to attend these meetings, this is especially important in Year 11 and visits to the college can be set up to learn more about the college and course.
Please follow the link below to read advice about being on the autism spectrum at university:
Who can I contact for further information?
Any further information regarding the King Edward SEND Information Report, can be made to the SENDCo, Mrs J Ryan.
Telephone: 01790 753260
Postal address: King Edward VI Academy, West End, Spilsby, Lincs, PE23 5EW