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King Edward VI Academy

King Edward VI offers every child the opportunity to fulfil their academic, creative and sporting potential to ensure each and every child achieves academic success.

Pupil Premium

A Guide to Pupil Premium

If your child is eligible for free school meals, their schools may also be entitled to receive a sum of money to boost their learning.

This guide explains the allocation of the Pupil Premium for King Edward VI and its students.

What is the Pupil Premium?

Introduced in 2011, the Pupil Premium is a sum of money given to schools each year by the Government to improve the attainment of disadvantaged students.

This is based on research showing that students from low income families perform less well at school than their peers. Research showed that often, students who are entitled to Pupil Premium face challenges such as poor language and communication skills, less family support, lack of confidence and issues with attendance and punctuality compared to non-Pupil Premium students. The Pupil Premium is intended to directly benefit the students who are eligible, helping to narrow the gap between them and their classmates and their peers nationally.

Is your child eligible?

Schools are given a Pupil Premium for:

  • Students who have qualified for free school meals at any point in the past six years. The school receives [£955] for each of these students.
  • Students who have been looked after under local authority care for more than one day. These school is awarded a premium of [£2345].

How is it spent at King Edward VI Academy?

  • Schools can choose how to spend their Pupil Premium money, as they are best placed to identify what would be of most benefit to the students who are eligible.
  • Common ways in which schools spend their Pupil Premium fund include:
  • Extra one-to-one or small-group support for students within the classroom.
  • Employing extra staff, both teachers, teaching assistants or pastoral staff to work with classes.
  • Running catch-up sessions before or after school, for example for students who need extra help with particular skills.
  • Providing extra tuition for able students who receive the Pupil Premium
  • Funding educational trips and visits.

At King Edward VI Academy, Pupil Premium money will be used to support the following areas identified as barriers to success for Pupil Premium students:

  • Poor literacy levels on entry
  • Students on entry with moderate learning difficulties without the support required to make at least expected progress.
  • Some students have minimal support at home for learning.
  • Students demonstrating unacceptable and challenging behaviour causing disruption to learning.
  • Below average attendance for whole school in particular PP students.
  • Matching a curriculum in a small school to the needs of individuals.
  • Growing mental health issues having an impact on learning and the wellbeing of students.
  • Ability to evidence providing impartial careers advice

All schools have to show that they are using their Pupil Premium fund appropriately. This is measured through Ofsted inspections and annual performance tables showing the progress made by students who are eligible for Pupil Premium. In King Edward VI Academy the Pupil Premium

Plan 2020/2021 (shown below), shows how much money has been allocated, how the academy intends to spend it, how the previous year’s allocation was spent and how it is making a difference to the attainment of disadvantaged students.

If your child qualifies for free school meals, it’s important that you tell us – even if they take a packed lunch – as this enables them to claim Pupil Premium.


Summer School 2021:


Funding overview

Summer School Finances 2021
Academy King Edward VI Academy  
Combined view of all Summer School activities
Area of spend Amount
Accommodation £8,693.64
Site costs £0.00
Travel  £2,500.00
Onsite Catering £0.00
Excursions £3,278.00
Staffing £6,306.06
Other costs £776.38
Combined Cost £21,554.08


 Provision Overview for the residential and KEVI summer school:

summer residential 2021

Wednesday 11th August

9.45am -10am Registration and Welcome

Thursday 12th August

9.45am – 10am Registration

Friday 13th August

9.45am – 10am Registration

Group 1

Arts and Craft

1 hour

Group 2

Performing Arts

1 hour

Group 1


1 hour

Group 2

Arts and Craft

1 hour

Group 1

Performing Arts

1 hour

Group 2


1 hour

Group 3


1 hour


Group 3

Performing Arts

1 hour


Group 3

Arts and Craft

1 hour


Snack time 11-11.15am

Snack time 11-11.15am

Snack time 11-11.15am

Group 1


1 hour

Group 2


1 hour

Group 1


1 hour

Group 2


1 hour

Group 1


1 hour

Group 2


1 hour

Group 3


1 hour


Group 3


1 hour


Group 3


1 hour


Lunch and Play 12.20 – 1.00pm

Lunch and Play 12.20 – 1.00pm

Lunch and Play 12.20 – 1.00pm

Sports – all students and staff

1 hour


Sports – all students and staff

1 hour


Sports – all students and staff

1 hour


Home Time 2pm

Show list Show Grid