The David Ross Education Trust

David Ross Education Trust schools create a rich and exciting learning environment that inspires students to become their confident, academic best.

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King Edward VI Academy

King Edward VI offers every child the opportunity to fulfil their academic, creative and sporting potential to ensure each and every child achieves academic success.

The Year 8 Rounders team travelled to Skegness Grammar School for a well fought rounders match. The Team demonstrated good communication and there were some impressive rounders scored, not a win this time unfortunately. Well done to the team.

The after-school Cricket club enjoyed some more coaching from Doug Robinson, a Cricket Coach from Alford Cricket club, teaching the students some new skills and having an enjoyable time getting to grips with the equipment and kit. Cricket Club continues this Tuesday after school.

Summer Cup will take place this week, it is the 10th anniversary so set to be a very special occasion. Well done to all those representing the Academy, qualifying with fastest times and selection for teams and events. More information to follow.

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