The David Ross Education Trust

David Ross Education Trust schools create a rich and exciting learning environment that inspires students to become their confident, academic best.

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King Edward VI Academy

King Edward VI offers every child the opportunity to fulfil their academic, creative and sporting potential to ensure each and every child achieves academic success.

Plans for our phased return to school

King Edward VI Academy is part of the David Ross Education Trust The Company is registered in England and Wales Company Registration Number: 6182612 Registered Office: Charnwood College, Thorpe Hill, Loughborough, Leicestershire, LE11 4SQ 25th February 2021 Dear Parents and Carers, Further to my letter sent to you earlier this week, you are already aware of the plans for reopening schools and the Prime Minister’s announcement that schools will re-open from Monday 8 March. Everyone at King Edward VI Academy is looking forward to welcoming all of our students back into school from this time.

Students have worked incredibly hard to continue their education from home and I am very proud of the remote learning and support we have been able to offer our students during these recent challenging times. However, no virtual experience can replace face-to-face teaching and it is great news that staff, and students will be returning to the classroom.

To ensure the first week runs smoothly for returning students, as per the guidance, we will be staggering return dates for different year groups as follows:

Monday 8th March Year 11 & 13

Tuesday 9th March Year 10 & 12

Wednesday 10th March Year 7

Thursday 11th March Year 8

Friday 12th March Year 9

This staggered return to school will allow us to welcome students back to school, ensure we make their wellbeing a priority and we can support this transition back into school. We will do this through a bespoke programme and timetable during this week.

As has been the case throughout the pandemic, the welfare of students and staff is our priority and we will do everything we can to make the school environment as safe as possible. Along with our existing, stringent measures of staggered timetables, creating dedicated bubble zones, ensuring social distancing and wearing of masks, in line with the Government guidance we will also be introducing Covid testing for returning students.

We have already successfully rolled out regular testing for staff, children of key workers and vulnerable children in school since January. Now, we are considering how best to scale up our approach ahead of 8 March, while keeping disruption to a minimum. Students will have three tests in school, after which twice-weekly testing will be done at home.

I will write again next week with more details on how this will work in practice, together with other information about our plans for a safe return to school and our welcome back week from 8th to 12th March.

Team KEVI staff will be using the next week to fine-tune our plans and to ensure we have everything in place to welcome students back. Our focus will be on helping them adjust after this period away from school and to supporting their catch up in whatever way is necessary. Clearly, this period of time has been challenging for everyone, but now that we have a date for everyone to return, we will be looking again for your support in ensuring your child attends school every day from their return date onwards. I would like to take this opportunity to thank you once again for your support and patience over this past term as we could not have been able to deliver our remote education without your support, it has been a real community effort.

Yours sincerely

Mr J Myhill-Johnson Principal

letter to all parents and carers 25th february 2021.pdf