The David Ross Education Trust

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King Edward VI Academy

King Edward VI offers every child the opportunity to fulfil their academic, creative and sporting potential to ensure each and every child achieves academic success.


At KEVI we use homework to support pupils in retaining knowledge and key facts which are essential to academic success in the subject they are studying.  

Prep Homework has been designed using research informed strategies including: spaced retrieval, interleaving and chunking of information. This method allows pupils to begin the revision process from the outset of year 7 meaning that by the time pupils reach their GCSE examinations they have been revising for five years and developing effective revision techniques. 

Each student has a homework folder which contains a homework exercise book and a set of knowledge organisers which are used to complete homework activities. The exception to this is Maths where at KS4 they will use a knowledge organiser booklet. 

The process has been designed to be simple for students to complete and parents to support with: 

  • Draw a line with a ruler and pencil every six lines down the page to create five boxes on the page 
  • At the top of the page, write the name of the subject being studied and the date then underline both with a ruler 
  • Spend two minutes reading and re-reading a section of the knowledge organiser (this will be prescribed by the teacher) 
  • Turn the knowledge organiser over and write down as much information as you can remember (two minutes maximum) 
  • Turn your knowledge organiser back over and check it against what you have written, use a purple pen to tick any areas that you have correctly remembered and add in any details or corrections you have missed (two minutes maximum) 
  • Repeat the process a further four times with the sections prescribed by your teacher so you have all five sections contain information and corrections 


This student is meeting our expectations.

Homework Example


Students should complete the correct knowledge organiser each night according to the timetable below.





English (30mins)

English Literature (30mins)


Maths (60mins)

Maths (60mins)


Science (30mins)

Science (30mins)


History (15mins)

English Language (30mins)


Geography (15mins)

Four from; History, Geography, Art, French, Music, RE, DT, Business, Performance, Sport, LIBF (15mins)


French, DT and Music (15mins)

Students in Key stage 4 will also be set an additional weekly piece of homework, per subject, on Bromcom. 

The knowledge organisers for the different subjects can be found by clicking on the links below. 

Click the below links for the:

Year 7 Homework Schedule

Year 8 Homework Schedule

Year 9 Homework Schedule

Year 10 Homework Schedule

Year 11 Homework Schedule


Show list Show Grid











Religious Studies


Physical Education




Design and Technology






Performing Arts




Business Studies