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King Edward VI Academy

King Edward VI offers every child the opportunity to fulfil their academic, creative and sporting potential to ensure each and every child achieves academic success.



Curriculum Intent

At King Edward VI Academy we want all students to be believe in, and be confident about, their own abilities and demonstrate our values of ambition and aspiration, courage and resilience, honesty and respect. We want them to be determined and enthusiastic for their own success and take pride in themselves and their achievements.  They will understand that they do not have to be a product of their genes or experiences, but that they can choose what and who to become; choice not chance.  We want students to be independent learners who are intrinsically motivated, creative, curious and who are able to problem solve.  We want them to be fluent communicators, with good skills and knowledge enabling them to think critically. We will facilitate opportunities to increase students’ cultural capital through our knowledge-rich curriculum and co-curricular opportunities.  We will enable students to experience a range of enrichment opportunities and activities that contributes to their character development. They will develop knowledge of how to form healthy, respectful relationships enabling them to become culturally aware individuals who embrace differences and celebrate diversity. Our aim is that KEVI students are accepting of others’ differences and become responsible members of our 21st century society.  In summary we want them to aspire both academically and personally to be the best version of themselves.  

Curriculum Vision

At King Edward VI Academy we have an outstanding and diverse curriculum which aspires to respond to the local and national agenda in order to ensure all our students receive a high-quality learning experience at all times.

We value the acquisition of powerful knowledge, as a goal in itself, as an entitlement for all children.  We invest significant time and resources into ensuring that all students gain a broad knowledge base to enable them to become active members of their community in the future.  Alongside a rigorous and challenging academic curriculum, students also experience a broad range of sports, arts and musical opportunities, ensuring that they have the richest experience a secondary education can give.

We have high academic expectations and believe that success is achieved through a conscientious approach and a knowledge-rich curriculum. Our approach to knowledge-rich curriculum is underpinned by four principles.


  1. Rigour: Knowledge selection that is underpinned by a subject’s traditions, practices, and truths, creating academic challenge.
  2. Scope: Ambitious with the knowledge that manifests over time, through complexity (depth) and breadth.
  3. Coherence: Knowledge is attached to the subject’s underpinning concepts, themes, threads, and skills. 
  4. Well-Sequenced: Knowledge is mapped across the curriculum with new knowledge linking to prior knowledge.


Our curriculum allows students to become:

  • Confident and successful individuals who enjoy learning, progress beyond national expectations and achieve high quality and meaningful qualifications.
  • Responsible citizens in our 21st century society who make a positive contribution to their local community and the wider international world in which they live.

To see an overview of our Curriculum across all the year groups please click on the individual subjects below. For further information about the curriculum please contact Mr M Moss MMoss@KingEdwardAcademy,co,uk

Subjects and qualifications studied

Our curriculum has an emphasis on motivating pupils, raising aspirations and setting high expectations in academic and personal development. 

Our approach to the curriculum complies with our equality objectives and pays due regard to the Special Educational Needs and Disability Regulations 2014 as all students have equal opportunity to study any area of the academy curriculum to the level that best suits their ability. We encourage all to not only take a full and active part in lessons but also ensure all students have equal opportunity to participate in our enrichment opportunities.


















Health and Social Care








Travel and Tourism

Performing Arts



Modern British Values

At King Edward VI Academy we are dedicated to promoting values that ensure that our students develop a strong sense of social and moral responsibility.

We prepare the students for life in Modern Britain because values such as individual liberty, democracy, the law, mutual respect and tolerance are embedded within the curriculum and the Academy ethos. In addition these values are promoted at various times throughout the school year, and regularly in assemblies. Our Academy embodies a democratic model in the way we work, the way we are structured and our general ethos and culture in the Academy. Additionally our rules and regulations are there for the benefit of everyone, and our Academy takes a holistic approach to teaching British Values rather than concentrating on individual subjects.

Click here to find out more about British Values at our academy