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King Edward VI Academy

King Edward VI offers every child the opportunity to fulfil their academic, creative and sporting potential to ensure each and every child achieves academic success.

Careers Guidance & Post 16 

Good quality careers education has been shown to raise the aspirations and attainment of all students. As a result, King Edward VI Academy values our careers programme; supporting students in their chose of a career and higher education route that they are capable and passionate about. At KEVI we aim for every student to reach their potential and information is the first tool to aid with this. We offer a comprehensive programme of careers education plus information, advice and guidance through these website pages, events, school activities and one-to-one meetings with Jessica White our level 6 Careers Adviser. We aim to inspire, engage and motivate our students in their own personal career paths and to achieve high academic qualifications using up-to-date labour market information, online tools and engaging with local businesses. In addition, we offer all our pupils a visit to a university, college taster days, mock interviews.  

Our programme is supported by Donna Garrard (Careers and Enterprise Company) and our two fantastic Enterprise Advisors: David Weatherley (Director at Walnut Care) and Ashleigh Herbert (Export Customer Services Co-ordinator at Micronclean). These experts work with us to review and update our provision, ensuring every pupil has the support and the experiences to make the right choices for them.  

Miss Henshall, our Career Leader is also available most lunchtimes to answer any questions and Jessica White will be in the meeting room Monday lunchtimes providing a drop-in advice service. Students from any year groups are welcome. In addition to the programme of activities detailed in our careers plan we also offer events, guest speakers and aim to embed careers into our individual subject curriculums.


Careers Plan



Year 7

Year 8

Year 9

Year 10

Year 11

Autumn Term

Assemblies and talks

Assemblies and talks

Assemblies and talks

Assemblies and talks

1 to 1 Career interviews

Post 16 career Fair

Assemblies and talks

Spring Term

Step up tutor booklets

Drop down day – Employability Skills

Interview challenge

Assemblies and talks

Step up tutor booklets

Drop down day – Real Life Game

Interview challenge

Career Fair

Assemblies and talks

Step up tutor booklets

Drop down day – Employability Skills

Assemblies and talks

Step up tutor booklets

Drop down day – Uni connect

Careers Fair

Assemblies and talks

Step up tutor booklets

Drop down day – Employability skills

Assemblies and talks

Summer Term

Step up tutor booklets

Careers Trip

Step up tutor booklets


Step up tutor booklets

University visit

Step up tutor booklets

University Visit

College Taster Day

Step up tutor booklets




Years 12 & 13

  • University visits

  • UCAS information and support

  • Student Finance talks

  • Gap year and volunteering abroad talks

  • Careers Guidance Interviews–in house and independent


Last Reviewed: September 2022
Next Review: September 2023

Teachers Role in the Careers Programme

Miss Henshall s the academy's Careers Lead; she has overall responsibility for the careers programme. However, all staff within King Edward VI Academy have a responsibility for supporting students with their career pathways.  Subject teachers are also responsible for ensuring they outline the industry links their subject has with the wider world of work. Tutors deliver some of the careers programme through the tutorial system and feedback student comments to the careers leader. 

Information for students: 

Please speak to Miss Henshall if you have any careers questions or need some further information. Below are some useful websites. 


Information for Students

Please speak to Miss Henshall if you have any careers questions or need some further information.

Below are some useful websites. - local labour market information – for a range of careers information and support - apprenticeship advice and planning - for apprenticeship opportunities - to support students to find out more about themselves

Information for Parents/Carers

King Edward VI Academy is committed to providing students with high quality information, advice and guidance regarding education pathways, apprenticeships and careers.

We aim to help students make informed decisions at key times in their education, for example with option choices in Year 9, post-16 plans in Year 11 and in Year 12 as they plan for university or working life. In addition to dedicated careers input for all year groups, students also have the opportunity to interact with universities and businesses.

Our Careers Coordinator in school is Miss Henshall.

Email address:
Telephone: 01790 753260

Information for Employers

At King Edward VI Academy we are passionate about supporting our students to achieve their full potential. A key factor in accomplishing this is providing students with inspiration through finding out more about the world of work and the local and regional opportunities. If you are willing to support and can commit time we would be delighted to hear from you.  Below are a few examples of how you could support our careers programme:

  • Mock interview day with year 11 in the summer term – our learners really value this opportunity
  • Supporting our CV and job skills workshops
  • Providing talks about your industry/sector and your own career journey
  • Allowing a group of learners to visit your place of work
  • Work shadowing/work experience placements

In dedicating your time to support our careers programme you are not only supporting community development but you can also support your future workforce recruitment needs.    How we measure the impact of the provision


Premises and facilities - The school will make the main hall, classrooms or private meeting rooms available for discussions between the provider and students, as appropriate to the activity. The school will also make available AV and other specialist equipment to support provider presentations. This will all be discussed and agreed in advance of the visit with school staff. Providers are welcome to leave a copy of their prospectus or other relevant course literature which will be made available to pupils. 

How we measure the impact of the provision

We review our careers programme each year and ensure we involve all year groups. We monitor the value of our careers programme by ensuring our year 11 students are all following the destinations that they are interested in and feel both prepared and confident for their educational journey ahead.  We are using the COMPASS tool  along with the 8 Gatsby benchmarks to ensure we are providing a good careers service throughout the academy.

Who to Contact for more Informaton

Our Careers Lead in school is Miss Henshall.

Email address:
Telephone: 01790 753260

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