The David Ross Education Trust

David Ross Education Trust schools create a rich and exciting learning environment that inspires students to become their confident, academic best.

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King Edward VI Academy

King Edward VI offers every child the opportunity to fulfil their academic, creative and sporting potential to ensure each and every child achieves academic success.


The published admission number (PAN) is currently 90.

After this we allocate places based on the admissions criteria as outlined in our policy.

Transfer from Primary Schools to Year 7 are managed by Lincolnshire County Council. The County Council website also provides options for completing on-line admissions form for both normal and mid-year admissions. Please see the LCC website for more information 

Admissions enquiries can also be directed to the academy office on 01790 753260.

For admissions at any other time, you may contact the academy directly. Please call us to arrange a meeting with the Principal and a tour.

We would be delighted to welcome you to our academy.


For the appeals process please follow this link: 

The procedures for appeals relating to admissions will be in accordance with all relevant legislation.

They are independent and organised by the County Council Legal Services Section and entirely separate from the admission system. The decision of the appeal panel is binding on all parties. Appeals should be sent to the academy by the end of March and papers will be passed onto the Legal Services Section.

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